Dyno spring


The tools of the Suspension Dyno family

Among the workshop “must have”, the DS1 is an essential tool to measure the elastic or static thrust emitted by our suspensions or by each suspension component.

By using such machinery, the user does not simply able to characterize the spring load (K), but will have available an accurate reading of the thrust emitted at each travel millimeter. Thanks to its 10.000N internal load cell, its constantly updated software, its pneumatic piston, and the possibility to cover up to 350mm of travel (that permits to measure all the suspensions available on the market), the DS1 is able to give us data on the suspension progression and thrust at each millimeter of crushing.

The name “spring tester” with which this tool is identified shall not mislead us; the DS1, in fact, is able to characterize any suspension component exerting a crushing force, regardless of its speed. The DS1 application list is therefore extremely varied, allowing to measure – in addition to the force emitted by the springs, both the mono and the fork ones (up till now difficult to measure because of their length) of road/track/off road motorcycles – the force generated by the quantity of oil present in the forks, the force and the trend resulting from the air suspension pressure, the bump rubbers force, the impact resulting from the presence of a top out spring, the force of a springs system, and so on.

Price: 4.180€ (vat ex)

ds1 – mtb kit and off-road kit

With the DS1 came bundled also a MTB Kit, thanks to which it is possible to measure all the forks and shock absorbers available on the Mountain Bike market, as well as an Off road Kit useful to measure all the off road motorcycle forks and the bump rubbers.

How the ds1 works?

dyno spring -ds1





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